Please complete one full form per person in your group:

  • Personal Information

  • Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 64 MB.
  • * Please note that your passport must be valid for at least 6 months after your return date from this trip.
  • Emergency Contact

  • Flights

  • Travel Insurance

  • If you're yet to organise travel insurance or don't have a preferred supplier, here's some further information
  • Dietary/Medical

  • NB: Insurance cover is a requirement of this trip; please supply the details of your cover before you arrive in Nepal.

    DECLARATION: I have read, understood and accept the Booking Conditions and acknowledge that I have been given the opportunity to discuss the terms with Himalayan Trails and that by returning this form I agree to abide by them. I appreciate the risks inherent in adventure travel and confirm that I do not suffer from any condition which could prohibit my full participation in the trip or create any risks for myself or others.